Why write a blog?
Selfish reasons - I often use writing for work and often repeat why and how I approach things.
This blog post is for me and other who want to understand the same things I care about: tech, social justice, learning, and more.
Writing and I
In school, some 12 years ago, I had to pick between maths and literature. It was a mandatory choice and considering my poor maths performance I picked literature.
I was fortunate to be taught by an amazing teacher and what started as trepidation ended up developing into a passion.
Literature and software development is not that different - they both involve a lot of writing, editing, and conceptualising ideas. The both require analysis and creativity and the both feel like introspective pursuits even though each profession has become more and more social since I first encountered them.
Why didn't I do programming instead of literature? I never had the option, nor the equipment. Before my first PC I used computers in school for learning Pascal and Word or in internet-caffes to shoot my friends in Counter Strike or race against them in Need For Speed.
Purpose and content
This is intended to be a raw collection of thoughts and ideas. Like my interests, this blog with snake and weave through a lot of topics.